• Member Since 18th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen October 23rd



Jus in Inordinatio · 5:46am Jun 17th, 2020

EDIT: After a conversation with a friend, I've been convinced that despite agreeing in principle with the points that television host Tucker Carlson makes in the portion of his commentary I've transcribed, expressing the points in my own way would be a better way to convey my thinking. That said, it seems right to retain what I'm no longer using via use of the "spoiler" tag so that a record of my first draft still exists. I may be rewording it, but I am still responsible for who I chose

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I have. The Twilight story made me cry and I plan to read more of your work later. :) What I've seen so far highly encourages me in my good impressions of you.

Take a look at what else I've written, and what I've not written, before you get your hopes up.

I felt like I had to. I loved your most recent Nightmare Moon story and if you ever feel like revisiting it and doing more, I want to be aware of it. I know you've done everything you want to with it right now, but no one knows what the future might bring, and you seem like you have a bright future. :)

Thanks for the follow!

Thank you, I appreciate the sentiment. :)

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