• Member Since 18th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen November 20th


An interdimensional Being known as The Character, writing stories for the people of Equestria (whatever internet is provided) and the people of Terra in the sector of Sol.

Who Am I?

Name: The Character
What?: An Idea, formed by a writer, created to be related to his other idea until his idea can become a substantive idea.
Writing Level: Medium
Favorite Tropes: Cartoon Physics, Time Travel, Breaking The Fourth Wall
-The Fourth Wall Restaurant
-A Scientist of The Bermuda Triangle in Equestria Series
(1)Pilot Story
(2)The Equestrian Series (Unpublish)

Latest Stories


Surprise! I'm Not Dead Yet. · 5:45pm Oct 30th, 2017

So yeah. Still here, writing. Kinda. I've been trying to write stories, and my script of a new web series.
*Sarcasm Mode Activated: Yeah, because that works real well in real life. *Sarcasm Mode Deactivated

So, while I work on some things, I'm working on a few of these stories. Cross your fingers and wish me good luck (or hooves if you're using the computer with them).

-The Character

Doctor Who Stories

The Unusual Multiverse According to Bronies

Comments ( 54 )
  • Viewing 50 - 54 of 54

No prob. Big fan of Discworld, and I hope to see more.

-The Character

Thanks for considering Plagiarism of the Gods: Equestrians of Discworld to be weird enough to add to your bookshelf.

Thanks for adding Humanized... Ponies? to your library!

Well, it was a good short story. Why wouldn't it be part of it?

-The Character

Thanks for adding A Conversation With Yourself to your libraries! :pinkiehappy: :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 50 - 54 of 54
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