• Member Since 18th Dec, 2015
  • offline last seen Aug 6th, 2020

Darkmoon Night

...currently a senior in high school in the US. i have a complicated and busy life, though that may be a little of an understatement. never wrote stories before but i think you'll like my ideas. :D


I Apologize · 4:30pm Feb 12th, 2016

Hey guys. To those of you waiting for my story on Google docs, if you've requested for some time, now you all can go see my story. Apparently I totally forgot to check my gmail. Why? I guess because yahoo is my primary and I had school and some stress. Though right now I haven't really worked on my story as I find I don't feel that motivation. I'm not surprised, a lack of motivation does result from a lot of stress. But don't worry this last semester of high school is by far my easiest and most

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Thanks for the watch and fave!

Thanks for the fave! :scootangel:

Well, you'll just have to stick around, huh. Don't worry, there's going to be a special villain for Link to face. Well, a few of them.

2332790 oh. Well it's the title of your story that got my attention at first and then reading the intro that shows that child link is basically adopted by celestia. Sounded like a new kind of story Zelda plot to explore so yeah that drew me in. So far it's good. It's just...I'm not much of a fan of stories that doesn't really have a big difference between the story and the show. Having link there with twilight at the festival before nightmare moon gets kinda boring. I think many people use the festival as a place to transfer the character they crossover into equestria. I know at this time I'm sorta at the beginning so I may very well change my opinion. But I guess that having link grow up with filly twilight and baby spike would not complicate things. I don't think it's a good idea to send baby link when, say, twilight becomes princess or something. Lol. If some kind of Zelda bad guy like ganondorf doesn't show up later on when I read the story then I may not find it very interesting to read. but nevertheless good story. I'm sure you can keep improving the story. Well I'll have a better opinion after I finish reading it.

Thank you for faving my story: Legend of Twilight: Ocarina of Time.

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