• Member Since 5th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 30th, 2018


I am just a 22 year old college student who loves Pokemon, MLP, Video Games and Anime. Yep. I'm that kind of guy. XP


This is goodbye. See ya everyone! :) · 8:56am Dec 30th, 2018

Hey guys! It's been a while. A LOONG while. Haha. Some of you probably were wondering what happened to me, or when's the next update of Super New World of Infinity or probably just assumed I died or something. ^^; The truth is life has happened and I just lost interest of MLP and the fandom as a whole.

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Report RainbowSixtySix · 477 views · #Goodbye
Comments ( 74 )
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2128104 AWESOME! I'll be awaiting for the day when that happens! (assuming that the meeting will be a pleasant one)

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This is goodbye. See ya everyone! :) · 8:56am Dec 30th, 2018

Hey guys! It's been a while. A LOONG while. Haha. Some of you probably were wondering what happened to me, or when's the next update of Super New World of Infinity or probably just assumed I died or something. ^^; The truth is life has happened and I just lost interest of MLP and the fandom as a whole.

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Report RainbowSixtySix · 477 views · #Goodbye