
Viewing 1 - 20 of 211 results

You know what? Fuck it. Good bye. · 5:28pm Jul 10th, 2016

Let's be honest. Nobody gives a fuck about my stories, about me as a person, they just follow me for followbacks. Fuck Fanfiction, it hurts to write because it takes so much shit just to get a story approved. Fuck being addicted to this shitty ass site, in which there are rules nobody follows. Fuck the fandom butt-hurt. Fuck EVERYTHING!!!

If you want to contact me, leave a comment.

I will give you an email and/or a Skype name to look for.

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This is goodbye. See ya everyone! :) · 8:56am Dec 30th, 2018

Hey guys! It's been a while. A LOONG while. Haha. Some of you probably were wondering what happened to me, or when's the next update of Super New World of Infinity or probably just assumed I died or something. ^^; The truth is life has happened and I just lost interest of MLP and the fandom as a whole.

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Report RainbowSixtySix · 477 views · #Goodbye

Bad News! · 4:00pm Sep 6th, 2019

I have been informed by me friend castroedgar316 that he has decided to stop being my editor, for personal reason. Thanks to him I have been able to get my stories off the ground and I wish him the best of luck, I'm sad to see him go, but shit happens.

GOOD LUCK castroedgar316. :twilightsmile:

Report TAD2 · 295 views · #Goodbye

I failed. So goodbye. · 9:42pm Sep 23rd, 2021

Hello. As you know from my previous blog post I gave myself a deadline: October. But with a week to go and my current progress, I decided to throw in the towel early. Therefore, I can officially label this account as dead. I won’t delete it, or any of the stories contained within, but I will no longer log into it again unless something exceptional happens.

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Report Jackelope · 1,130 views · #Goodbye

A Farewell · 7:27pm Feb 10th, 2017

Three years spent on Fimfic. I wrote a few stories, completed a few, cancelled a few. I met some good folks, spent some time working on groups. Did some reviewing. Good times, I suppose.

And now I take my leave.

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Report Smaug the Golden · 659 views · #Goodbye

Goodbye (at least for now) WARNING: LONG POST · 5:38pm May 29th, 2016

I've been avoiding this for too long, but time has come I guess.
As some of you might've noticed, I've deleted all the you I had as skype contacts, so please don't worry about that.

This isn't supposed to be some dramatic great "goodbye!-blog" just a simpe explanation.

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Report Infinity Shade · 429 views · #goodbye

Yo, Listen Up · 12:35am Mar 24th, 2019

It's been a good long while since I've made one of these, so I'll keep it relatively brief: I'm done with fanfiction for the time being. Considering that the audience for this particular topic is growing smaller and smaller as time passes, I can't help but want to get out and make something of my own like I've wanted to do for so long.

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Report Ringtael · 533 views · #Goodbye.

This is it. · 12:23pm Apr 1st, 2019

Hey everyone,

I’ve decided that I can’t handle anything on my own. This is also the reason why I’ve been very inactive lately. Thus, I’ve decided to quit this site & everything related to it. I’m sorry, but this had to happen. This account will be deleted a few minutes later. Good bye to all who supported me.

For the final time,

Crystal Out! xxxx


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Report Crystal Aura · 274 views · #Goodbye

I'm leaving fimfiction · 9:07pm Sep 15th, 2018

There aren't really a good amount of people that care anyways, but for those of you who do...

I'm sorry for not coming to this site anymore. Something in my life has changed, and I have you all to thank for that. I hate to have friends here, because I've let you all down.

I don't enjoy MLP like I used to anymore. And because of that, I find no reason to come back to this site anymore. I truly appreciate everything you have all ever done to console my petty selfishly childish self.

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Report oreos · 318 views · #Goodbye

Update Regarding My Time Here · 7:37pm Sep 27th, 2020

As some of you may have noticed, I've been online less and less lately. This is due to personal reasons that I wish to not bring up at this time. Another reason is I've kinda lost my drive to continute writing. I apologize to everyone who stayed by me during all this time but once I transfer all my stories to a friend of mine, I'll be gone and I don't plan on coming back. At most, I'll be doing collabs with GhoulDash97 but that's about it. I hope you all have a great time and I wish you all a

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Report Saberking2012 · 292 views · #Goodbye

Wtf is wrong with this fandom? Also a goodbye. · 7:18pm May 1st, 2016

Ok this is a rant on this fandom and mainly is Derpiboo becasue where have all the SFW artists gone becasue there are hardly none now and it's pissing me off for the reason that is and that is that NSFW artists are getting all the fame and glory yet all the pictures they draw are shit and cringey as fuck and only take a few minutes to draw and yes i'm looking at the horse fucker Dragk and Kanashiipanda

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Report The Derpy Division · 342 views · #Goodbye

State of Affairs: Leaving the Fandom · 6:29am Nov 2nd, 2015

Hey guys. It's been a really good time here, writing to my heart's content and improving on my writing skills. Unfortunately, due to personal reasons, the time that was spent in pain outweighed the good. So, I will be officially leaving the Brony Fandom. It isn't that I hate the show now, nor is it because of ridiculing on the matter. I've had serious issues with the darker part of the Fandom, deep enough that it started to ruin me and blur out who I truly am. To stay here and be close enough

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Report Takarashi282 · 364 views · #Goodbye

Goodbye · 9:58pm Sep 12th, 2023

I’m sorry everyone, but I cannot do this anymore. I am at my end. I want to thank each and every one of you for following me and reading my stories I know a lot of you may not have liked me and even hated me, but this was my escape from it all before I became stressed to the point in which I started smoking and snusing. Thank you all for bringing a little enjoyment in my life before it all came crashing down. I hope I see you all in Shambhala.

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Report Dragon-In-Black · 631 views · #goodbye

Goodbye, FimFiction. Maybe forever. · 8:22pm March 17th

Right. I spent quite a few hours drafting this blog, because it's a hard bit for me as well.

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Report iAmSiNnEr · 1,102 views · #goodbye

Final Message · 8:21pm Oct 25th, 2016

This is the last message you all will hear from me.
As of late 2013 my activity on this site decreased. That's because I'm no longer a brony nor do I associate myself with the My Little Pony fandom. I no longer watch the show nor read stories or fanfictions about the show.
I'd like to thank everyone who help me with my story and everyone who has inspired me to be more confident in my writings. I am currently writing another story and you guys shaped the writer I am today.

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Report Wown00b · 411 views · #Goodbye

I'm leaving fimfiction · 9:08pm Sep 15th, 2018

There aren't really a good amount of people that care anyways, but for those of you who do...

I'm sorry for not coming to this site anymore. Something in my life has changed, and I have you all to thank for that. I hate to have friends here, because I've let you all down.

I don't enjoy MLP like I used to anymore. And because of that, I find no reason to come back to this site anymore. I truly appreciate everything you have all ever done to console my petty selfishly childish self.

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Report oreos · 405 views · #Goodbye

Possibly Not Coming Back · 2:53pm Apr 15th, 2017

Sorry I haven't been posting much around here recently. I've come to say I've lost interest in the story I was currently working on, and most likely will not write anymore stories on here, since Fanfiction and Wattpad are sites I mostly write on. Also, since I'm not a brony, I just don't feel encouraged to write this story anymore, so I'm saying that the story is now cancelled. Also, a story that I wrote (now deleted) had some comments that gave some creative criticism that I, for some stupid

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Report cuziebear · 322 views · #Goodbye

Big Announcement · 6:32pm Sep 5th, 2015

I'm abandoning this account.

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Report LeenaWrites · 402 views · #goodbye

Goodbye. (Not forever) · 12:05pm Mar 1st, 2022

Well, it's that time.

Three months to four months worth of final exams.

In total? Seven months of time I cannot afford to waste my time on.

I had desperately wished to finish For Whom the Twilight Falls and From Whence We Fell before I left.

I failed to do so in the midst of failing a few of my subjects.

I now realize that I've been too concerned with my writing - to what I produce on FimFic. That and my Discord activity.

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Report iAmSiNnEr · 714 views · #goodbye

Discontinued · 3:45am Aug 30th, 2015

It's been 100 weeks since I posted my last chapter.
I posted a comment there too.

It let's you know why I am not planning on finishing the story. Sorry!

Report DerpyRainbow · 401 views · #Goodbye
Viewing 1 - 20 of 211 results