Goodbye, FimFiction. Maybe forever. · 8:22pm Mar 17th, 2024
Right. I spent quite a few hours drafting this blog, because it's a hard bit for me as well.
As of today, I will be no longer writing new stories or involving myself in any pony related writing. That's correct, iAmSiNnEr will no longer be producing the dumb crackfics or other pony stories. I do, however, have some modicrum of responsibility, and will finish For Whom the Twilight Falls. After all, it is my baby. It won't be anytime soon, though, because I just...don't have the motivation anymore.
That brings me to my next point as to why I am quitting FimFiction. It no longer brings me joy. Back in 2020, when I was at home bored out of my mind, I found My Little Pony, and gave it a go. Cute colorful ponies were fun, and when one of my favorite youtubers(Scribbler) at the time posted a link to FimFiction, I couldn't help but check it out. Ponies and writing about scenarios you dreamed about? I loved it. But truth be told, it was also a period of my life I wish I could have taken back.
Looking back, pony fanfiction destroyed me as much as I loved writing. I was ostracized from peers, bullied relentlessly once they found out, and had so much time wasted on writing about pastel ponies instead of concentrating on my life. I've recently changed my environment and am attending a new school, where nobody knows I write pony fanfiction. I've made new friends, found new relationships, and overall my life has been healthier since I've slowed my pony writing down. And's time for the curtain call.
I deeply apologize to anyone who was reading my incomplete works. This was not my intention until I talked to a friend just half a day ago. He advised me to stop whatever that was hurting me and my life, and I eventually came to this painful conclusion that FimFiction no longer brought me joy. I also received my results of my 2nd semester exams, and they've been overwhelmingly positive since I put the time into studying.
That's all I wanted to say. Nothing more, nothing less.
Goodbye, Fimfiction. iAmSiNnEr, signing off for the final time(I hope).
All good things must come to an end.
Best wishes, thank you for all that you shared, and good luck with your new school and life!
Sorry to hear things have been rough for you. You'll be missed but glad you're getting into a better space. Thanks for the laughs.
spent too long thinking of something to say, so I'll leave you with that
Sad to see you take your final bow, but so grateful to have met you through this community! Hearing how many people have found joy in your work and your generosity in supporting those you care about make me glad to count you as a friend. Keep chasing what lights your fire!
Your stories have been fun to read. Even though you not finish the incomplete ones, they were enjoyable. Your evolution to find better you is a bit inspiring, May your newfound purpose bring you prosperity and happiness.
I am deeply sorry to here that.
It was the opposite for me, actually. Back in 2012, i had just finished my pre-med, which was grueling, and immediately entered medicine. It was a thankless transition, sterile, devoid of color, and in spite of me trying my hardest, the exams and study standards were extreme with a 70% passing rate. Worst of all I was afraid it would sap all my creativity away from me, so I got depressed and withdrew. At the time, MLP was one of the shows that lit up my days back then. And I gravitated to here because I found FiMFic and it was the best looking site at the time. Though I never tried, I haven't found another site more spiffy, inviting, and pleasing to the eye. So I began reading and writing.
Even though I'm still stuck writing and improving the same concept story, I'm glad to be here with 180k words in the wings. And I am eager to see where it goes and ends. While I'm pretty much isolated in my love for MLP and my geek culture in general among my circle, i have never been bullied for liking things period. Mostly just disagreements. Although I guess that's partly because I was also well-rounded about the fandoms of shows that interested me and rather moderate about expressing my love for them. So there was no one thing to really target... And bullying is mostly a non-issue here in my part of the world.
My heart goes out to you for your suffering. I understand you need to move on, but it is a sorrow that you have to give up something you enjoyed out of extreme peer pressure and bullying, and worse, made to think it was a waste of time. Nothing ever is. On the flipside, it is also great to hear that your studies are proceeding smoothly with great results. Your friend spoke wisdom, but for us in the know, it is a great shame that your situation has forcibly coerced you from enjoying writing about MLP.
Even if you never write again, we still hope to see you around, and drop by for talk or sit rep. It is always ever so good to talk, hear about life, and keep in touch. And if you never comeback, I'm glad you were here for a time. And it's a shame your real life troubles have made you regret the last +3 years. What stories of yours I've read were great, and you will be missed dearly.
From one author to another, I bid you farewell.
Yet things that end in a whimper and defeat never inspire the soundest of sleep.
I, along with everyone else here, wish you the best in your studies. Even if you stop writing, we hope you will one day look back at the memories and time spent here talking about the same show we all love, and think fondly of the nights clacking away on your keyboard, playing with dreams through words.
A hobby should be fun. When it no longer sparks joy, that's the time to leave. I'm sorry to hear what's befallen you, but I completely understand. Best of luck with your future endeavors.
A very sad thing to hear, but a totally understandable situation. Sometimes cutting something clean and cold turkey is the best way to do it. And when something is dragging down others parts of your life, there's no obligation to it, and it isn't enjoyable for itself, that's as good a sign as any. All the best for your studies, future career and whatever else life has in store for you.
This really makes me wonder: what is wrong with people?
Sadly, I guess your friend's advice is good, as far as it goes.

I can only hope that someday either you will have peers mature enough to be able to handle the possibility that someone they know writes silly (or even serious) stories about smol cartoon horses...
or you will learn how to cover your tracks better.
Also, I'm not sure I believe in an absolute obligation to finish unfinished stories oneself, although I do personally tend either to write stories that are short enough to be easily completable by me, or to try to write stories that are entertaining even if they might never get finished, and
don't leave offand without leaving off on an extreme cliffhanger.🤔
Anyway, I hope things go well wherever you go next!
I'm sorry to hear you leave, I hope you're not planning on deleting your account once you leave because you've written a lot of great stories and I would hate to see them lost. If not I hope if some of us wanted to (with your permission) can continue and finish some of your unfinished stories. Again it's your call. Good bye, it's been a pleasure to read your stories.
I give you my best wishes in the outer world. We will miss you, I wish you a piece of good luck at your new school, live your life to the fullest and make new friends. Take care of yourself, farewell buddy.
We see you in Space Cowboy.
I agree with others have said. If you no longer find joy in it then by all means take a bow. However, while I can empathize with the bullying and the horrible behavior of others I can speak from experience that if you are dumping something you love because of toxic behavior of others you will feel regret. Granted, I had a great support net for such things in my incredibly nerdy, geeky mother, but I still worried like all teens do with public image. However, it took until I was out of high school to realize that I should not have to compromise things I like for others who don't matter.
Find your center and what works for you. Just don't change yourself because other people don't understand.
I knew you only briefly, but I valued your feedback, your wisdom, and your company.
Be well.
its been a pleasure interacting with you on the angel's rest server. wherever you end up in life, i hope it is good to you, and i'm glad i got to meet you.
Good luck with your future endeavours!
Best of luck to you in whatever comes next.
While i am sad to hear it, best of luck in your future endeavors!
Good luck my friend, and much Love.
You will not be forgotten here.
Best wishes for you, and go finish your studies first, than if you want you can return to ponies, we won't go anywhere, just prioritise the important things and let hobbies be just that hobbies until you might be forced to turn them in a workplace
Goodbye and good luck!
You were my favorite author on this site. I wish you the best.
It has been an honor knowing you, SiNnEr. Your stories, especially your Twilight explodes things series, have given some of the best laughs Iʼve had on this site. Wherever your life leads you from here, I hope you find happiness. And from one college student to another, all the best.
Your fellow creator,
Uz Naimat
Thanks for all the horse words, you'll be missed.
Don't let the prejudices and bullshit of others weigh you down, or you'll neve learn to fly.
Good luck, and safe travels!
Safe travels partner
Best of wishes, thank you for your time, now go enjoy yourself.
Good luck we will all miss you hope you will have a happy life
I wish you luck in your future endeavors.
Ay man, you gotta do what you gotta do. Thanks for being here, and thanks for making some really dope stories. I wish you the best, homie.
I'm sorry all those people hurt you just for writing here. It is wrong and one should never have to feel ostracized for what they like. I wish you the best in wherever life takes you next and hope you manage to recover joy for yourself in whatever you like to do from here.
Welp... RIP. You had some amazing works that I was hoping to see progress a little more. But I cannot ask you to cause yourself pain on my behalf, so there's only one thing left to say:
Best of luck in your future adventures, friend, and fly safe. May the moon guide you, and may the stars light your path.
It's okay. It's your life. I wish you good luck and hope you have a great life ahead of you. ^^ 👍
Live a good life and always remember the fandom will never forget you.
I love your stories. Especially Alicorn Warrior. Always hoped it would be continued, but it’s alright. Was already writing my own self-indulgent ending of the story (not intended to post without permission or claim as my own—it was horrible, I’m glad no one but me knows it exists). Thank you for your amazing stories. I wish you well in life, and should you return, and even if never, we will still be here to welcome you and support you.
thanks for writing some really great stories.
sad to see some of them not gonna get finished, but if it no long brings you joy to write them, then i understand and respect your choice :)
well wishes on your journey onwards :)
If you do post the alternate ending I would love to see it!
Thanks 😅. I don’t think I ever will, it is incredibly short and honestly not good quality/in character at all, but sometimes you just need to write something to get the feeling of incompletion weighing down on you out of your system.
I don't like saying goodbye, so I'll say see you later.
Writing around should be fun are free to be dropped behind when getting heavy.
But the friends we made along the way…they stay longer.
Hopefully you won't forget about your friends over here among us.
Remember that we'll be here with open arms should you decide to drop in and catch up.
Remember that friendship is magic.
Remember to have love and creativity in you.
Recently came back on a whim, been a while.
Take care big guy, I hope you never feel in a position to come back here, due to how you're feeling.
Hope life continues to treat you well, don't stop your dreaming though. Keep that positive attitude
Now go and live your life to the fullest!