• Member Since 9th Jun, 2020
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


Inactive. iamsinner on Discord.

More Blog Posts117

  • 48 weeks
    Goodbye, FimFiction. Maybe forever.

    Right. I spent quite a few hours drafting this blog, because it's a hard bit for me as well.

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    40 comments · 1,466 views
  • 58 weeks
    im back?

    am I tho? well, new story out, ill try to update my longform ones soon!

    4 comments · 252 views
  • 65 weeks

    hi y'all
    it's been a few months since ive written anything
    polytechnic has really taken most of my life outta me, and ive not been really motivated to write much
    to get me in the writing mood again, ill be writing a shitpost or two, and id love your ideas

    that is, if y'all still remember me


    anyways, looking forward to seeing your ideas, who knows, maybe ill write yours

    9 comments · 325 views
  • 99 weeks

    Inspired by applezombi's Rekindled Embers.

    Dying flames,
    Why won't you hear me?
    We call out your names,
    But you just leave us be.

    We call out to those above,
    The dearly departed and dead,
    For them to protect those we love,
    Before war fills them with lead.

    Glaring white towers,
    Far above the ground,

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    1 comments · 251 views
  • 100 weeks
    im back! (Sorta)


    iAmSiNnEr update.

    I took a month break from FimFic.

    I'm still burned out from ponies and life.

    But I'm gonna go to bed now, and hope I have inspiration to write something tomorrow for you beautiful people.

    Wish me luck!

    7 comments · 325 views

update · 12:48am Nov 20th, 2023

hi y'all
it's been a few months since ive written anything
polytechnic has really taken most of my life outta me, and ive not been really motivated to write much
to get me in the writing mood again, ill be writing a shitpost or two, and id love your ideas

that is, if y'all still remember me


anyways, looking forward to seeing your ideas, who knows, maybe ill write yours

Report iAmSiNnEr · 325 views · Story: For Whom the Twilight Falls ·
Comments ( 9 )

Yay for not being dead!

Hmm a shitposty idea...Something involving a gang of ferrets committing thefts?

I got nothing. hope other folks have ideas!

Glad to here you’re still around buddy!
Hmm… at the time of posting this you have 666 followers. I pretty sure there’s an idea buried in there somewhere…

Arson with Sunset Shimmer.

Hmm, a prompt.

You know that joke about how the Royal Guard is bad at their jobs because they're actually the Royal Harem in disguise. That's true. But they're just as bad at the harem thing as they are at guarding.

d ive not been really motivated to write much
to get me in the writing mood again,

I know that feeling. I've felt it for a bit a few times the last few months, despite having a lot of ideas of stories I'm interested of.

As for ideas maybe a silly story where chrysalis successfully takes Celestia's or Princess Twilight's place, then had a bad time when Lovebug has to do some things they would do to keep her act up.

Twilight and Celestia are the same pony, leading a double life.

665 now, my blog made someone unfollow 😥

Just give us another Twilight bombs something story or Nigmare Moon tries to sell things to other villains

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