Unused Season 5 MLP Episodes – Part 1 (Jayson and Jim's Episode Ideas) · 7:24pm Jan 19th, 2022
Pinkie: Wait… so you're telling me there were other adventures we got up to in between Twilight getting her castle and Starlight joining our harem posse?!? And our audience never got to see them?!?
Stop the presses! This calls for an emergency cupcake! And perhaps an emergency party. Okay, definitely an emergency party.
So… where do I start?
I like reading reviews. They're nice. I also wish there was a maud emoji. That would be nice
Probably should've done this in reverse order...
And now thanks for reviewing Walk-ins Welcome. After reading your review again with the benefit of your response and hindsight, I'm glad you enjoyed your time with it.
You know, I have quite the "read later" to work through as it is, but I still think I'll give you a follow.
That great pfp is just a bonus.
I see. Thanks for the clarification.
You may have already seen it after posting, but in my profile, I state that I don't accept review requests*. Easy to miss, given it's not viewable on mobile. My backlog's just too big, making it far too risky to open the floodgates, and while I'm chuffed a decent portion of folks know me by now as one of the Ponyfic reviews faces around here (), enough to consider a review from me something they'd actively want, I prefer keeping it to a stress-free hobby. Also, there are enough genres and characters I don't much care for, prohibiting some fics from eligibility and leading others to likely fare worse.
* I told this to Secretary via PM, hence the lack of a clarification here.
Now, I do consider recommendations, so you are welcome to say "if you do read one of my stories, I'd suggest this one", by all means.
Excellent question. I wanted to request a review as well.
Uh, hey, is there a place to request a review, or do you have your own system?
Howdy howdy,
Thank you for adding Wings and Horns to your library!