• Member Since 1st Sep, 2019
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago


Blog Posts

  • 97 weeks
    What am I still doing here anymore

    I've been asking myself that question a lot in the last few month's, ever since season 9 came along I have not been happy with where the franchise has gone and thing's have not gotten any better to be honest season 9 was a huge drop in quality the finale was honestly disappointing the season 10 comic's were just absolute trash then again the comic's have always been a mixed bag at best and don't even get me started on pony life, and I am just not a fan of G5 at all, aside from showing that

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    0 comments · 122 views
  • 159 weeks
    The Hub

    I really miss the Hub network anyone else?

    1 comments · 146 views
  • 178 weeks

    Well G5 has officially been announced and I've got to admit I'm not to sure about this one the fact that they went on about diversity and inclusion is already a red flag and I honestly hate it that they made this a continuation of FIM rather than making G5 it's own thing not to mention it's going to be on Netflix, I refuse to give Netflix any kind of support not after the whole cutie's fiasco, and in all honesty I have zero interest in it not after the disaster that was season 9 and pony life.

    0 comments · 144 views
  • 190 weeks
    Thundercat's roar cancelled

    If that's true then.............Praise the lord yes since were on the subject can teen titan's go and pony life be next please

    0 comments · 142 views
  • 213 weeks
    Pony Life No I refuse

    I'm not watching a single episode of pony life their not getting a single view from me nor am I giving G5 any kind of chance, it just feel's like ever since season 8 aired the MLP franchise has been getting worse and worse

    0 comments · 145 views

What am I still doing here anymore · 7:58pm Sep 13th, 2022

I've been asking myself that question a lot in the last few month's, ever since season 9 came along I have not been happy with where the franchise has gone and thing's have not gotten any better to be honest season 9 was a huge drop in quality the finale was honestly disappointing the season 10 comic's were just absolute trash then again the comic's have always been a mixed bag at best and don't even get me started on pony life, and I am just not a fan of G5 at all, aside from showing that

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Report Spikerules64 · 122 views ·
Comments ( 33 )
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Thanks for the favourite!

Thank you very much for favoring my Spike X Dinky Hearths Warming fic :)

Tha ks for adding Spike's Apology for your lists :)

Thanks for adding A Midnight Stroll to your favorites!

Thank you for favoring The Dance and for adding it to your list of Slice of Life :moustache:

  • Viewing 29 - 33 of 33
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