• Member Since 7th Oct, 2018
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago


Sometimes, I remember it one way. Sometimes, another. If I am going to have a past, then I prefer it to be multiple choice.


SOME FUN FACTS ABOUT ME · 1:18pm Aug 21st, 2020

* Real Name: Selim Umit
* Date of Birth: April 8, 1999
* Place of Residence: Boston/Massachusets/USA
* Hobbies: Swimming, playing tennis, jogging, reading, writing, watching movies, traveling, playing videogames, karaoke
* Favorite Franchises: My Little Pony, Transformers, Marvel, DC, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Assassin's Creed, Mortal Kombat
* Favorite MLP Character: Sunset Shimmer
* Favorite MLP Ship: SunPie
* Favorite MLP Episode: It’s About Time

Comments ( 2037 )
  • Viewing 2,033 - 2,037 of 2,037

Oh okay and what are you doing right now by the way?

A strategy game where you protect your house from a zombie swarm by planting different kinds of plants with unique abilities on your backyard during each level.

Oh okay cool have fun with doing that and can you tell me more about them please?

Swimming, jogging, and playing Plants VS Zombies on my phone.

  • Viewing 2,033 - 2,037 of 2,037
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