• Member Since 31st Oct, 2017
  • offline last seen Nov 13th, 2021


There may be reason and there may be logic, but much like Pinky, I have yet to find them. Although, unlike Pinky, I have yet to find the 4th wall, as well as the. . . (tangentel nonsenical thoughts)



New series of Blogs & Return to Fimfic · 3:30am Mar 9th, 2019

1. I plan to return to Fimfic soon and get everything revised and perfected as well as start some new stories.
2. I am also going to start a series of blogs in the interim as spoilers:) memoirs.
3. These blogs will eventually be Ponified around the character spoilers:).
4. This is the first of these story blogs.
(to be added later)

Report Ryza · 294 views · #mlpirl
Comments ( 196 )
  • Viewing 192 - 196 of 196

Ahhh. That makes sense.

Not all Christians spend time at a church, but, it is important to somehow spend time with other Christians.

Like, I beleive in the whole shebang, but I don't beleive in joining a church

  • Viewing 192 - 196 of 196
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