• Member Since 16th Nov, 2019
  • offline last seen June 21st

Alduin The World Eater

Blog Posts

  • 227 weeks
    I was thinking about doing a crossover about The main 6 and Jesus Christ

    I have been wanting to try to do a Crossover about the main 6 see Jesus Christ and follow him and his disciples and see him perform his Famous Miracles and Teach the Word of God and him too. I have no clue when I am going to be doing this project but what I forgot to mention is that they'll first see him as a baby in a manger on the First Christmas and see him grow up and well the main 6 might be stuck in Jesus Christ's world until he is risen. And then they can head home. And yes I will be

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I was thinking about doing a crossover about The main 6 and Jesus Christ · 4:22am Mar 20th, 2020

I have been wanting to try to do a Crossover about the main 6 see Jesus Christ and follow him and his disciples and see him perform his Famous Miracles and Teach the Word of God and him too. I have no clue when I am going to be doing this project but what I forgot to mention is that they'll first see him as a baby in a manger on the First Christmas and see him grow up and well the main 6 might be stuck in Jesus Christ's world until he is risen. And then they can head home. And yes I will be

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Report Alduin The World Eater · 165 views ·
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Thank you for adding "EqG Tales: Monster High Edition" to Favorites.

Thanks for the favorite my friend!

Thanks for the favorite! :pinkiehappy:

May the Lord Jesus save, watch over, guide and protect you :twilightsmile:

Thank you for adding Angels Among Us to your favorites. I’m glad you’re enjoying it!

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