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- FIM Fiction · 8.2k words · 28 1 · 739 views
- FIM Fiction · 1.6k words · 61 3 · 1.6k views
- FIM Fiction · 1.7k words · 205 20 · 5k views
- In a land where friendship has erased almost all free will, Cozy Glow makes a wish. This is what follows.FIM Fiction · 2.5k words · 12 5 · 678 views
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I know, right?!
What kind of fucked up code sorcery and dark magic is Knighty & Xaquseg utilizing to make the site itself read and comment on stories, and create whole new fics itself?!
Huh, didn't know the site itself started reading fics.
I can't blame it, there's some great stuff on here.
TYSM for favoriting
- MLP: FiM
- Comedy
Shadowlance learns to never give Luna coffee.Be sure to read its sequel:
- MLP: FiM
- Comedy
- Slice of Life
What happens when a Princess has cake and tea?Fun fact:
Thank you for faving Adagio Needs Sunset's Socks!