Massive Writer’s Block and Rework of “A Daedra’s Kingdom” · 2:28am Jun 3rd, 2023
Hello everyone! I’m terribly sorry for my prolonged absence, but I’ve been super busy with getting a new job and such, but I’ve been giving it some thought and I’ve decided to rework “A Daedra’s Kingdom” to fit more in line with Elden Ring instead of Kingdom Hearts. The reason being that Elden Ring will limit Winter and Marion a whole lot more than Kingdom Hearts can and I just love Elden Ring’s aesthetic more.
Also thanks for adding Fallout Girls to your library, I try to update every week!
No problem. I found the last story hilarious!
Thanks for adding Cards Against the Princesses to your library!
You're welcome.
Thanks for adding Stomach Stallion to one of your libraries.