• Member Since 9th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen Dec 28th, 2023


I'm a writer, artist, and animation buff. I'm hoping to make my mark in the world by doing what I love most. My favorite characters are Discord, Luna, and Twilight Sparkle.

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Holiday Bundle 2023 Playlist! · 2:44am Dec 28th, 2023

Happy holidays, everybody! I'm sorry I'm late for sharing this playlist of 12 videos that I've been working on since this fall! Although I did post them on YouTube for Christmas, I shared it only on X that day and not anywhere else. Shame on me.:facehoof: It includes videos centered around The Bad Guys, Kung Fu Panda, The Owl House, Netflix's The Monkey King, and more! I'm very proud of my work and I hope you enjoy these videos as much as I do! I think we can skip the YouTube link

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Report KidatHeart5 · 118 views ·
Comments ( 63 )
  • Viewing 59 - 63 of 63

Hey you have a monster house story to finish up, unless you put it up for adoption or something

Thanks for the fav.

You're very welcome. :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the Fave, Dude!

  • Viewing 59 - 63 of 63
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