• Member Since 20th Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen July 17th


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R.I.P. Mr. Akira Toriyama · 10:55pm April 1st

Just found out that the creator of the Dragon Ball series has passed away from a health complication. He was only in his late 60s when he passed on. In my honest he was taken far too soon.

Give respect and tribute to this man who has left a legacy within the anime, manga, and video game community. :applecry::pinkiesad2:

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Report Redwolf777sg · 65 views ·
Comments ( 245 )
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Come on man keep going on life and keep fighting and teach life as your enemy and your a solider keep fighting for your mother father your siblings your cousins your grandparents they want to see their family keep going grab your rifle and march towards the enemy and keep fighting don't ever give up on life!

I'm actually in my mid 30s but I guess it doesn't matter. Anyway I read your comment. And I as said to several others. I honestly can't exactly blame you or anyone else for thinking or assuming thet I did it for the attention or whatnot. And I would probably thought the same if the shoe was on the other foot and such. So I can't really be upset or hate you for thinking that of me. I mean it was out of the blue and I posted that on this site of all places.

And quite frankly I wasn't exactly in my right mindset and I ended up suffering from a mental breakdown at work two days ago. After finally telling my family and co-workers. I'm think I am finally getting the support and help that I needed for so long. And hopefully I will see professional help.

I know it will take a lot of work and time. But hopefully I will eventually get better in the end. I have spent so long silently hating myself, dealing with my inner demons and wearing mark pretending that nothing was wrong with me. It was only a matter of time before the dam broke. It just took ten or fifteen years to happen.

So with that said. Thanks for your comments. It gives me a insight of what not to do and whatnot.

Thank you for the Follow, and I hope you're better, young man.


As I said to everyone else. If I had to be honest I wasn't exactly in my right mindset and I ended up suffering from a mental breakdown at work two days ago. After finally telling my family and co-workers. I'm think I am finally getting the support and help that I needed for so long. And hopefully I will see professional help.

I know it will take a lot of work and time. But hopefully I will eventually get better in the end. I have spent so long silently hating myself, dealing with my inner demons and wearing mark pretending that nothing was wrong with me. It was only a matter of time before the dam broke. It just took ten or fifteen years to happen.

  • Viewing 241 - 245 of 245
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