• Member Since 24th Sep, 2021
  • offline last seen June 13th


Whats up bronys

Blog Posts

  • 20 weeks
    I got block yay

    Apparently this user Snugglewarmscale block me for some unknown reason. Apparently he can’t take criticism anymore. Lol 😂 well that’s his loss. Hes an L for you bro 😎 and by the way, if you say anything bad to his story or whatever his opinion he’ll block you for anybody who follows this guy

    2 comments · 85 views
  • 23 weeks
    Anon spawn

    Why is there so many anon stories Is it becoming more popular? because I’m seeing 10 stories of it or probably more is there like a popularity?

    0 comments · 52 views
  • 43 weeks
    This trolls

    DakariKingMykan is at it again with his nonsensical hes trying to make the show look like a spawn of demon going some bad lessons about friendship, or making friends or whatever and trying to make his story of his oc character are much better then the characters in the show that a so not screaming, Mary Sue, or John Smith type of thing ( sarcasm yeah his story suck ) again I’m just surprised this site Didn’t do anything about this guy forcing people to hate the show like seriously bro why don’t

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    6 comments · 181 views
  • 58 weeks
    Sick people

    I just got the blog from my friend Yoshi, and apparently some for sick twisted person just threaten him just because a couple of comments in this site like really people it’s either you people are just so twisted that you just go and just threaten something that is not really that bad it just makes me sick to see my friend going through something like this. And I don’t care how many comments that he put threatening a person it’s still wrong,

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    0 comments · 70 views
  • 85 weeks
    This troll

    You know you think it's cool to bring down a fandom just because you don't like it doesn't mean you have to be an ass about it and I'm surprised the people who works on the site let him get away with this bad behavior.

    14 comments · 204 views

I got block yay · 5:28am March 4th

Apparently this user Snugglewarmscale block me for some unknown reason. Apparently he can’t take criticism anymore. Lol 😂 well that’s his loss. Hes an L for you bro 😎 and by the way, if you say anything bad to his story or whatever his opinion he’ll block you for anybody who follows this guy

Report Mlpzootopia19 · 85 views ·
Comments ( 52 )
  • Viewing 48 - 52 of 52

Thanks for favorite my story

Thanks for the favorite 😊

Hey no problem man 😁

I appreciate the help.

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