• Member Since 17th Jul, 2016
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


I'm just someone who isn't much of a talker, but does like to share several ideas I've thought of.

Latest Stories


Moving Predicament · 1:42am May 8th

My mom is making plans to move in the future, and it's causing me a bit of stress. I'm on the spectrum and I often rely on my parents for things, though I try my best not to be a freeloader. The main issue comes from my dad, as my parents live separately and it's about a forty-minute drive between their two places. I visit my dad on weekends when my mom works and we usually hang out and such, unfortunately, I can't stay there since my mom's home is closer to where I work. Though my job is a

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Student Files · 7:09pm Nov 3rd, 2019

Gender: Female
Species: Hippogriff
Personality: Vain, Neat, Stylish
Appearance: Orange feathers with a crimson red mane and sandy yellow beak and talons with red eyes and a pearl piece necklace.

Deep Sea
Gender: Male
Species: Hippogriff
Personality: Withdrawn, Skillful, Reasoning
Appearnce: Navy blue feathers with a dark blue mane and blue eyes

Diamond Shine
Gender: Female
Species: Crystal Pony

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Comments ( 44 )
  • Viewing 40 - 44 of 44

Yep, thanks for that. Hoping for improvements.

Understood, let's hope your writer's block ends soon and Greg does well with his classes.

Yes, but some of them are being held up with writer's block and my editor Greg being busy with classes

Great to hear. Any new stories currently in development?

I'm doing fine right now

  • Viewing 40 - 44 of 44
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