• Member Since 28th Sep, 2020
  • offline last seen Aug 31st, 2022


Hey! I've been a fan of the show since MLP FIM came out when i was 3. And I am a strong believer in making new friends.

Blog Posts

  • 181 weeks
    School of Friendship Classes and Schedule

    This is a followup to my last post (School of Friendship Classes)
    This is the new and improved Classes:

    Monday: Basics explanation of the Elements of Harmony
    8:00 - 8:25 - Breakfast
    8:30 - 9:25 - Applejack: Honesty
    9:30 - 10:25 - Fluttershy: Kindness
    10:30 - 10:25 - Pinkie Pie: Laughter
    11:30 - 11:55 - Lunch
    12:00 - 12:55 Rarity: Generosity
    1:00 - 1:55 Rainbow dash: Loyalty
    2:00 - 3:00 Twilight: Magic (ethics, different kinds of magic)

    8:00 - 8:25 - Breakfast

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    4 comments · 184 views
  • 181 weeks
    The School of Friendship Classes

    I just thought kids cant only learn about friendship so here we go:

    Applejack: Honesty, Botany, Earth Science, Plants around the world
    Fluttershy: Kindness, Zoology, Animals around the world
    Pinkie Pie: Laughter, Algebra/Geometry, Parties/Music around the world
    Rarity: Generosity, Fashion Theory, Fashion Around the world
    Rainbow Dash: Loyalty, Flying Dynamics, Trust, Health/Gym (P.E.), Sports Around the world
    Twilight: Magic, English, Social Studies/History, Logic and Reason

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    0 comments · 97 views
  • 192 weeks
    Chancellor Puddinghead and the Carrot Juice

    Hey Everyone who follows me! If you haven't been writing lately and you need something to do, please consider doing me a favor:

    I remember in Forgotten Friendship, Sunset Shimmer said, "Did you know Chancellor Puddinghead tried to pass a law mandating Earth ponies drink carrot juice at every meal?" Well i was wondering if you guys could do a fic on this. Only if you want to. But if you don't please tell me so i don't spend weeks waiting for an answer.

    0 comments · 119 views
  • 199 weeks
    Hey! before I release any stories, here's a few things you should know... Part 1

    1: In this universe, they are NOT animals: Yeah, all characters are a humanoid of some kind (except angel bunny or Tank) So here's the list of Species Names:
    Ponies: Mytho
    Alicorns: Avatar
    Unicorns: Elves
    Pegasus: Sylphs
    Earth Ponies: Pixies
    Crystal Ponies: Crystal Mytho (technically Atlantian)
    Bat ponies: Bat Mytho
    Umbrum: Scotuseans
    Donkey: Hobgoblin
    Mule: Brownies
    Zebras: Zebricans
    Horse: Human
    Breezies: Never Fairy (small fairies)
    Changelings: Same

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    2 comments · 130 views

School of Friendship Classes and Schedule · 5:17pm Feb 2nd, 2021

This is a followup to my last post (School of Friendship Classes)
This is the new and improved Classes:

Monday: Basics explanation of the Elements of Harmony
8:00 - 8:25 - Breakfast
8:30 - 9:25 - Applejack: Honesty
9:30 - 10:25 - Fluttershy: Kindness
10:30 - 10:25 - Pinkie Pie: Laughter
11:30 - 11:55 - Lunch
12:00 - 12:55 Rarity: Generosity
1:00 - 1:55 Rainbow dash: Loyalty
2:00 - 3:00 Twilight: Magic (ethics, different kinds of magic)

8:00 - 8:25 - Breakfast

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Report KalebLovesJesusChrist · 184 views ·
Comments ( 31 )
  • Viewing 27 - 31 of 31

Merci Beaucoup, for adding Daring Do and the Mask of the Windigo to your library. Please let me know what you thought of it once you've read it.

Thank you so much for being the first person ever to post a comment in one of my story! I hope you will enjoy my other stories, too.

Thx for the Watch.

  • Viewing 27 - 31 of 31
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