• Member Since 7th Jun, 2020
  • offline last seen Apr 27th, 2021


I am a fan of My Little Pony and crossover stories

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Blog Posts

  • 172 weeks
    Getting back into things

    Hey everyone, Lord Calamity here. So I have a life update but i would rather keep it short. I have been getting better at keeping my emotions in check after.....what happened. But! I won't allow it get to me at all! I will try to keep up on whatever is happening on the site, and I'll at least get back into writing stories. Even if some of those stories turn out bad or mediocre. I must apologize to anyone and everyone who have been waiting all this time and to my followers, please forgive me!

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    3 comments · 250 views
  • 178 weeks
    Grieving with loss......

    Hey, Lord Calamity here. It's been a while since I made a blog post on this site considering that I don't do it that often. I-I just feel like i really needed to get something off of my chest. It's just really important to me personally. Perhaps a song would best describe my feelings at the moment. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IeIDCNS-VUw:ajsleepy: Recently.... my mother died....and it's just really, really, really, really, really, sad. Depressing. And emotionally exhausting. I've

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    8 comments · 262 views
  • 187 weeks
    A Happy December to All

    Greetings! Lord Calamity here, wishing everyone to celebrate the holidays with their families and friends! I just felt like making a new blog post to ensure that I'm really enjoying my time here on Fimfiction. I've met many users, seen so much stories, and made some friends along the way. I feel really grateful that people even take the time to read the comments I posted on some stories. It actually makes my time really worthwhile whenever I do something on this lovely site.

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    3 comments · 180 views
  • 200 weeks
    I'm Back Baby!

    Hello! I am back from the dreaded Hiatus! I managed to fix the problem with my computer! Well...more or less. :twilightsheepish:
    Anyway, I Apologize to anyone who has been waiting for me to update my stories I will get to that as soon as possible. Here's hoping that I will write effectively and see if I can make the best stories possible for the audience.

    I'm Back Baby! :duck:

    0 comments · 124 views
  • 204 weeks
    Making a Crossover Story

    Hello there! So I've been looking at many crossover fanfics on this site that made me think. "Why don't I try and make one myself?" Well.....I wanted to, but I just feel unsure that I can pull it off. I gotta make sure I do a lot and I mean A LOT of research on some of certain material (movies, video games, etc) and I want to make the characters feel like what they are in their own stories. That and I want to know if some of you feel interested in the stories I make. What do you think? Should I

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    0 comments · 188 views

Getting back into things · 1:57am Apr 8th, 2021

Hey everyone, Lord Calamity here. So I have a life update but i would rather keep it short. I have been getting better at keeping my emotions in check after.....what happened. But! I won't allow it get to me at all! I will try to keep up on whatever is happening on the site, and I'll at least get back into writing stories. Even if some of those stories turn out bad or mediocre. I must apologize to anyone and everyone who have been waiting all this time and to my followers, please forgive me!

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Report LordCalamity · 250 views ·
Comments ( 86 )
  • Viewing 82 - 86 of 86

That's okay it's just a little small invitation if you want to or not you don't have to if you don't feel like it


Thanks but, no thanks. maybe I'll join some other time.

Anytime. Always here to help. 😌

Oh ok and I hope you're doing okay

  • Viewing 82 - 86 of 86
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