• Member Since 20th Oct, 2021
  • offline last seen Dec 31st, 2022


Prince Argyle Starshine Supremacy! ***Returning Jan 2023 on Wattpad Only. Please read Blog for information**

Blog Posts

  • 82 weeks
    The Lost Prince is RETURNING, but sadly not on FimFic (PLEASE READ)

    Long time no update, I know!

    I apologize greatly as I know many of you have been eager for updates for over a year now! But I appreciate your patience an understanding during a difficult time in life.

    The good news? I will be updating the The Lost Prince regularly until it's caught up to the point we're at in it's RP version in the new year!

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    2 comments · 293 views
  • 130 weeks
    LOST PRINCE update

    Hey guys!

    I firstly wanted to apologize for the lack of updates to The Lost Prince. I have not forgotten about it in the least.

    Unfortunately, I've been battling a fever of unknown origin since May of 2021. This fever has slowly grown worse with other symptoms since and is made me very fatigued. I've been focusing on finding answers with my Healthcare team and relaxing as much as possible.

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    2 comments · 236 views
  • 130 weeks
    Lost Prince Update

    Hey guys!

    I firstly wanted to apologize for the lack of updates to The Lost Prince. I have not forgotten about it in the least.

    Unfortunately, I've been battling a fever of unknown origin since May of 2021. This fever has slowly grown worse with other symptoms since and is made me very fatigued. I've been focusing on finding answers with my Healthcare team and relaxing as much as possible.

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    1 comments · 136 views
  • 141 weeks
    Delay for Chapter Three

    Hey guys, slight delay for chapter three. I'll try to get it up by Wednesday. I might have to switch to an every other week schedule. A lot of stuff came up this week that prevented me from working on it and I have commissions I'm over due on that take priority. I apologize in advance and hope to make it up to you guys later in the week!


    0 comments · 164 views
  • 143 weeks
    First Chapter of The Lost Prince Coming Today or Tomorrow! (10/25)

    Excited to finally announce that the debut of The Lost Prince will be tonight or early tomorrow morning! Just finishing up some last steps and getting a synopsis written!

    A heads up for future readers:

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    0 comments · 163 views

The Lost Prince is RETURNING, but sadly not on FimFic (PLEASE READ) · 9:16am Dec 26th, 2022

Long time no update, I know!

I apologize greatly as I know many of you have been eager for updates for over a year now! But I appreciate your patience an understanding during a difficult time in life.

The good news? I will be updating the The Lost Prince regularly until it's caught up to the point we're at in it's RP version in the new year!

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Comments ( 8 )
  • Viewing 4 - 8 of 8

Hey buddy, you ok still so any updates on the story?

Oh hey your here that's cool :yay:

Also a heads up, it will be a few chapters in before it gets to Argyle in Equidae (The place mentioned in the tweet :3 )

  • Viewing 4 - 8 of 8
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