• Member Since 19th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 1st, 2023

Wearin Hat

Greetings true believer! It is I, the Wearer of Hats! I'm an aspiring writer and on here you'll find my dabblings into the world of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Enjoy! Hats off to y'all!


The Future Holds Great Things · 5:35pm Nov 10th, 2014

Greetings true believers! It is I, the Wearer of Hats!

As you all know, the end to this glorious tale is nearly upon us. My message to you does not have anything to do with that, however. Fully aware of how this is going to end, I have been thinking some things over as to what to do once I'm done with it and two things come to mind; a one-shot about Ipsa getting some romance and a sequel!

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Report Wearin Hat · 459 views · Story: A Very Happy and Sunny Life ·

My Stuffs

Comments ( 10 )
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Ipsa Unica is the engraving on the inside of my class ring, I dig the heck outta it so thank you.

Thanks for the favorite on Rocks Ain't Known For Conversation!

Thank you for the fav on Friendship is Grievous! :twilightsmile: I'd appreciate it if you'd leave a like and some feedback in the comments!


As I've mentioned in the past, I liked that story but lost a great deal of motivation to write it. I would continue to do so provided the proper inspiration, but without such I don't think I'll be updating it anytime soon.

A Royal Problem
alive or dropped ????????

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