• Member Since 25th May, 2013
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago

Savant Sentral

Timb Hortons

Comments ( 472 )
  • Viewing 453 - 472 of 472

Thanks for adding It's Only Coffee to your favorites. I hope you enjoyed your time with it.

Comment posted by Darth Wrex deleted Jul 6th, 2022
Comment posted by DanishDash deleted Jun 22nd, 2021
Comment posted by DanishDash deleted Mar 9th, 2021

we talked a few years ago, yeah. I changed my username a lot, can't even remember what we talked about just that we did, and i was joking about how like nobody i remember from then is still on the site.
I left from like 2015/6 to 2019

Have we met?

~Skeeter The Lurker

Comment posted by Savant Sentral deleted Feb 9th, 2022

Thanks for the follow! :yay:

yeah no problem man. Just kinda getting back into the fandom as a nostalgia thing. enjoyed it

Thanks for the favorite on my story!

Comment posted by Savant Sentral deleted Mar 9th, 2021

Thanks so much for checking out True Magic!
I hope it helps with the seemingly endless void of oblivion known as depression.
Enjoy :pinkiehappy:

1640647 hiya. been busy with school

1436947 hey man, you deserve it.

Thanks for the follow!

1425484 That's it, you're on my list.

  • Viewing 453 - 472 of 472
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Love you guys~ · 5:57am Jul 21st, 2019

I've realized that like, I'm not an MLP fan.
I'm an MLP fandom fan. I stopped watching in season 4 and i'm still here. I stopped reading here out of embarrassment but it turns out nobody gave a shit so I came back. Love you lots lads

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