• Member Since 30th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen Jun 4th, 2021

Joseph Raszagal


I'm Worried · 5:28am Oct 3rd, 2013

I'm trying very hard to continue posting, but I'm in the middle of alcoholism / finding a place to stay.

To all of my readers, whomever you might be. I'm sorry. I never intended this to be so difficult.

I'm in a really weird place right now. And I can't even promise that it'll get better. Suffice to say, homeless. No worries though, I still have a job.

Report Joseph Raszagal · 722 views ·

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Comments ( 29 )
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I enjoyed your psychedelic pony stories quite much:twilightsheepish:
BTW have you ever tried binaural beats or something like psychedelic trance?They are literally the modern-day drugs and can get u high without the aid of drugs in a very short period of time

Hey man, are you okay? I'm little bit worried man.

1610555 Sorry for long reply, sounds awesome man :D. Glad to hear youre doing better.


Yep, I still plan on writing more. In fact, the next chapter's going to be pretty long. I've just been trying to sort out my medicine arrangement. Turns out, without the right insurance policy, Seroquel can be really expensive =P .

1605466 That's great to hear. Just curious, you still tempted to write Psychedelica - Pastel Ponies? I'm still frickin curious of what happens next :D

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The Crate Containing Constantly Changing Contents

Imma lose my mind once Psychedelica - Pastel Ponies breaks 1000 views. It may not be a lot compared to other stories, but it still means that somewhere around 1000 people actually sat down and read it, which is really bucking cool to me.

Edit: OMG OMG OMG, PPP's almost to 10,000 views, I'm hyperventilating! Thanks for reading, everyone, I'm flipping my shit so very hard right now. *Raises glass* Here's to Jeremy's continuing adventures and growing frustration in the magical land of talking horses.