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110 users follow Neoandermcd
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Nobody is following :(
Hallo this is an admin from the Mojave express group your story has been approved
He ded irl he never coming bacc
Feels bad man
Hello darkness my old friend.
Why am I reading this if I know it's unlikely I'll ever see an update!..
All I got to say is: "Gamers in Equestria" seems like one of the displaced stories but is not, as most displaced stories are badly written. This one has good ammount of detail and feels quite real. I'm disappointed that I probably won't see next chapters but all I can say from my perspective is: since it seems like a displaced story at the beggining people avoid it since most displaced stories (I have found) are a disappointment. This one isn't a disappointment.
Hello? Are you dead?
Will there be another chapter? Its been 2 years.