• Member Since 2nd Oct, 2015
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I'm a writer of fanfictions. Of course being an amature I have spelling and grammar errors.

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I just don’t have the drive anymore · 4:19pm Sep 18th, 2023

I tried o really did. However it just not there anymore.

I just don’t have the desire to write. I deleted the story “Me, Myself, and I” because it just had two chapters.

I’m resetting the story “Mother Moon, Fallen Sunset” to canceled.

Sorry for all those that followed me, the spark of writing just not there.

Report ShadowStar_IMHP · 177 views ·
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I have no problem with that.

I'm all ears just note that it won't be the same.

I give you my permission.

Just note I don’t finish the last part where Doom held Celestia on trial. If you like we can talk about my ideas in personal message so you can have a proper ending.

I read your doom story and I admit it was interesting. So with your permission I would like to recreate this story onto Wattpad.

  • Viewing 54 - 58 of 58
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