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Thanks for the fav!
(I think, it's not discontinued so much as finished...)
Yup! Thanks again, I guess you liked the story, let me know your thoughts, hasta luego!.
Thanks for adding my story to your list, hope you like it, if you are interested would you mind reading the continuations? If you know of another interesting story or write one of your own share it with the rest of us, thanks again.
Muchas gracias por adherir mi historia a tu lista de completos, espero te aiga gustado, si te parece bien puedes leer la continuación y me dices que te pareció, si conoces otra buena historia o haces una tu mismo déjanos saber y compártela, gracias otra vez, qué bueno oír de otra persona que habla español.
My guess is that it loosely translates to "discontinued" or something similar. One of my works ended up on the same shelf, after all, and I've cancelled all my stories because I just don't have time to write with my current job