• Member Since 4th Feb, 2018
  • offline last seen Nov 30th, 2023


Hello, I'm cccvvvttt. Why? Because... I couldn't think of anything better. Also all my works consist of HIE stories. Maybe that will change if I ever write something else, but mostly that

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Foggy memories of a human update · 7:38pm Oct 11th, 2023

Hey, so I know it's been a while since I posted a chapter for this story, and I got some bad news. No, I'm not canceling it or anything, but admittedly I lost the spark to write it. So updates may be a while Not as long as they did between chapters 1 and 2, but definitely longer. In the meantime, I may focus my attention on something else for a bit that I've been wanting to write that will hopefully be done in time for Halloween.

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Report cccvvvttt · 116 views · Story: Foggy Memories of a Human ·
Comments ( 66 )
  • Viewing 62 - 66 of 66

Thank you so much for the watch! :pinkiehappy:

Hope things turn around for you

Hello I just wanted to say I love your stories and I’ve read so many of them most of them were awesome I loved the ones where Zachary was adopted by twilight and I can’t wait for the trail 2 And his father John was such a jerk now there is something I’d want to ask you could we role play I really want to rp with you and my name irl is Zachary I like being called zach and for the rp you can be twilight as my mom I’ve always wanted to rp with you I have Instagram messenger and discord Snapchat if you wanna rp on Instagram my username is ShadowSinister665#1700 and my Instagram is Light_the_raichu I hope we can rp twilight is such a caring mom I really wanna rp with you I really love your stories thank you :D

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