• Member Since 24th Feb, 2018
  • offline last seen Apr 16th, 2023

Kinder der Nacht

A kirin in human disguise.


Help! Fundraiser for Holy · 10:50am Sep 26th, 2019

I'm so sorry I wasn't able to keep myself updated as it all happened yesterday, but still, please check it out guys. Thank Celestia it wasn't too late.

In the link I dropped below, you can check out the story to which I'm not going into details and see how this community stayed strong and showed its kindness to a very talented member during the darkest time of his life. You can either donate or spread the word. Any helping hoof is genuinely appreciated!

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Report Kinder der Nacht · 196 views ·
Comments ( 24 )
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It is already 2019 here. An pre-delivered Happy New Year to you.

Thanks so much for the comment and watch!!:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

Aw, that's so cute! :heart: *boops and hugs*

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