• Member Since 15th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen Dec 29th, 2020


German / my top five characters are probably (Cowzy Glow, Chrysalis, Tempest, Trixie, Starlight) it always changes a little bit, but those five kind of share place 1 in my favourites.


Wattpad · 6:44pm May 11th, 2019

Liest Jemand auf Wattpad?

Does someone read on wattpad and maybe also speaks german?

I want to ask something then.

Report Texus · 325 views ·
Comments ( 160 )
  • Viewing 156 - 160 of 160

Your profile picture is extreamly entertaining.
Great picture :coolphoto:👍

Divine Mercy God bless. God loves you, now and forever.

I just saw your icon on a post on a story and couldn't help but laugh.

Maybe I forgot to comment on it, I do it later then.

Hey did you get my PM? Just wanted to make sure you knew what was coming :P Also I would like your thoughts as well. You always seem to give one of the best pieces of feedback I receive!

  • Viewing 156 - 160 of 160
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