Introduction to me and how I do things · 1:19am Sep 18th, 2014
I have never used a blog before, and I have never read any blogs outside the occasional bit of research, so forgive me if if commit any faux pas'. This will be a lengthy introduction to how I will be using the space that a blog provides me, as well as some explanation into the story I am writing, some other projects I have planned for the future, as well as a brief history of me, in case you are interested.
Risen God bless. God loves you, now and forever.
Thanks for faving Magisight! It means a lot to me!![:twilightsmile:](
It is with most heartfelt gratitude that I thank you for your favorite of A Human, a Pony Princess, and a Mistake.
Glad to see you're enjoying Displaced into Nothing so much!
Ooh, Fanfiction then, yeah? I've heard that from a few people, actually. It seems people from those days stumble across me now and then on here, but I'm always glad for it. And thank you. I do hope you enjoy the series through and through when you get a chance to delve back into all those words, and there always seems to be a little more coming.