• Member Since 8th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen Dec 28th, 2024


What does the world have to do with what you enjoy? Why let people you don't know get in the way of what you love?


Introduction to me and how I do things · 1:19am Sep 18th, 2014

I have never used a blog before, and I have never read any blogs outside the occasional bit of research, so forgive me if if commit any faux pas'. This will be a lengthy introduction to how I will be using the space that a blog provides me, as well as some explanation into the story I am writing, some other projects I have planned for the future, as well as a brief history of me, in case you are interested.

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Report FallenFromGlory · 352 views ·
Comments ( 9 )
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Risen God bless. God loves you, now and forever.

Thanks for faving Magisight! It means a lot to me! :twilightsmile:

It is with most heartfelt gratitude that I thank you for your favorite of A Human, a Pony Princess, and a Mistake.

Glad to see you're enjoying Displaced into Nothing so much!


Ooh, Fanfiction then, yeah? I've heard that from a few people, actually. It seems people from those days stumble across me now and then on here, but I'm always glad for it. And thank you. I do hope you enjoy the series through and through when you get a chance to delve back into all those words, and there always seems to be a little more coming.

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