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- A sniper team has the mission to assassinate a high value target. Attempting the assassination, they realize its a trap. A horrid end and the two get given a second chance at life, one in a different world.itsjustteal · 9.6k words · 31 2 · 1.2k views
Top Favourites
Bros in Equestria Two best friends land in Equestria and attempt to make the best of it. by Mandroid 248,221 words · 1,505 · 113
Off the Beaten Path A tale of someone comfortable with his life becoming somepony not well liked at all. by PingSquirrel 113,760 words · 1,372 · 46
Heroes and Allies A great force threatens to destory Equestria and worlds beyond... Can two very diffrent peoples band together to stop it? by LewisClarke 227,207 words · 1,032 · 76
Equestria's First Human A lightning bolt has teleported a human to a world full of happy, colorful, talking ponies. Holy.... by Ceehoff 127,951 words · 2,129 · 223
What I've Become A mysterious predator haunts the White Tail Woods... one that is deadly, terrifying, and...nice? by Knight Breeze 40,272 words · 4,935 · 101
Top Favourites
Bros in Equestria Two best friends land in Equestria and attempt to make the best of it. by Mandroid 248,221 words · 1,505 · 113
Displacement A Special Operative gets stranded in a strange unfamiliar world and must learn how to cope. by hornethead 218,843 words · 1,825 · 131
What I've Become A mysterious predator haunts the White Tail Woods... one that is deadly, terrifying, and...nice? by Knight Breeze 40,272 words · 4,935 · 101
Off the Beaten Path A tale of someone comfortable with his life becoming somepony not well liked at all. by PingSquirrel 113,760 words · 1,372 · 46
Over the Edge and Through the Wood Human gets cut off from his group while traversing a mountain. Finds himself in a strange land. by JarOfHearts 109,490 words · 4,222 · 89
Thanks for adding Spirit Of Love: Dark Sunset II to your favorites. I hope you enjoyed the rest of the trilogy.
Thanks for reading Rainbow Dash Comes Out of the Closet! I hope you get a chance to read some of my other work.
Thank for adding 'Seperate Ways' to your favorites!
p.s. Shovel Knight FTW!
Thanks for adding End of Humans to your favorites!