• Member Since 7th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen 27 minutes ago

The Zebra Hybrid

Be who you are and strive who you want to be

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Who I Like On The Show

Favorite Ponies: AppleJack,Zecora,Octavia,Sunset Shimmer,Starlight Glimmer, andTrixieNurse Redheart

Favorite fillies and colts:Sweetie BelleandButton Mash

Favorite Princess: Luna

Favorite Villans:DiscordandThe Dazzlings


Thunder Chapter 5 · 5:15am Jan 23rd, 2019

Hey guys chapter 5 of Thunder has been fixed and the full version is now published!

Report The Zebra Hybrid · 498 views · Story: Thunder ·

My Waifus

Comments ( 231 )
  • Viewing 227 - 231 of 231

Level Up! You have earned the Achievement: Thank you for having added High Score! to your favorites! Keep reading, I mean playing, if you want to grind to a 100 percent completion! :rainbowwild:

Hello, i am a Displaced writer. Wpuld you be interested in a cross over chapter?

[Adult story embed hidden]

Thank you for the Favorite!

Thanks a ton for the fav on my Godzilla vs Kong crossover! Hope you enjoy! :twilightsmile:

Hidyho! How are you?:)

  • Viewing 227 - 231 of 231
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