Help With Your Story 105 members · 478 stories

Does your story get trampled with dislikes? Does everypony comment that the characters are out of character and the plot's awful? Do you have a story idea, but can't seem to write it? Is your story unknown? Are you struggling to find art for your story? Or are you just a writer who starts a story, but suffer writer's block?

If you answered yes in one or more of those questions, then this is the group for you!

We got (Hopefully) editors, proofreaders, artists, reviewers, and basically everyone you need and you could post stories that has 0 views.

Please read the rules

If you want to look for someone or just promote yourself, click the link below:
Be Useful

Bad Dragon
Lord Demolitions
Meep the Changeling

Comments ( 13 )
  • Viewing 1 - 13 of 13

Hey! I would appreciate it if I could get some professional feedback on my masterpiece!

TAll Day, Everyday.
Follow the journey of a little girl who takes her football to the next level!
Penanka72 · 143k words  ·  121  19 · 1.1k views

Thank you for reading friends!

Can someone please help me with a new story I want to write?

Hello. I've put my story, 'A Storm For The Ages', here because no one is commenting on it and giving me meaningful feedback, or any feedback really, so I don't know if I'm any good or not.

Comment posted by annonymus deleted May 26th, 2018

but no one offers, for that trainwreck is un-fix-able

Comment posted by annonymus deleted Aug 8th, 2018

I need help with couple of Stories, C&C Red alert 3 and Hill 3234.

Hello everypony! RainbowDasher21 here!

I've just joined this group, because I'm looking for ideas for my upcoming Halloween-themed FlutterDash story - Ponies at Dawn, Monsters at Dusk.

More information about this story will be posted later.

Just a new member. That likes to help people.

LB: We have one storie that is finished. Can we send it to this group?
NS: Yeah, we were hoping that someone here could do a continuation for it.
LB: Any idea is welcome.
NS: But remember to give credit to us, or else...
LB: Or else what, Night?
NS: Uh... Nothing! I was just joking!
LB: Riiiiiiiight... Back to the question, tell us what could be better on our storie. See ya!
NS: (I could use some advice to create my own storie...)
LB: What are you saying here?
NS: Nothing! Bye!

O_O I'm sorry! I wasn't told I was admin here.

  • Viewing 1 - 13 of 13