• Member Since 22nd Sep, 2017
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday


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Next Gen expanded · 3:11am Sep 12th, 2022

So since I decided to make this account mostly centered on my next gens if you wanna get to know them a little better here is a guide of all the family trees I made for each of them on my DA Account.


Report Larrydog · 130 views · #nextgen
Comments ( 82 )
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your welcome :)

Thanks for the follow! :yay:

well that sounds good I'm sure the stories will turn out well when you post them

and wow yeah those others are way more brutal than the Sven one and honestly, I think the sven one is funny lol and staying faithful to the original must be a very hard thing to do

at least most of the stories for mlp & equestria girls (which is very under-rated by this fandom) are saved in drafts on my AOL account:pinkiesmile:

p.s: Oh! my works are faithful to the series but with a touch of originality:raritywink: alright then, it's just him showing up offering a deal the protagonist runs away. i'm way meaner towards female characters like spoiled rich, principal cinch (in eqg) zesty gourmand (bitch gets a violent death in one fic of my au series) & queen chrysalis is a villain throughout my au series...even from beyond the grave😱

that is my problem as well I have too many ideas I don't know what to write about XP

and don't worry about the svengallop thing I'm used to him being disliked it doesn't bother me as much as it used to even though I can still write an essay on why I like him and I am being serious lol

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