Do's & Don'ts 92 members · 23 stories

New writers just don't seem to get it when writing a story. They just write and post without even knowing the fine rules of fanfic literature Knighty died for.



Instead of a TL;DR review you probably skim over. We simply list the do’s and don'ts within your story. New writers finally learn how to write with ease. Overpowered Ocs, cheesy romance and bad grammar sequels to out-dated stories. No more with the help of this group!

Comments ( 38 )
  • Viewing 19 - 38 of 38

Hello everyone ,

is this group still active?

Best regards
Azure Drache

376993 Thank you. I made it myself.

Majin Syeekoh

I am in love with the group banner.

376722 Oh lordy!

RIP in pepperonis

376347 Didn't I just apologized?

Why you gotta be so rude?
Don't you know I'm human, too?

376336 I was joking. Sorry if I offended you.

376329 I knew one day an uptight faget would join the group.

Welcome aboard!

Speaking of bad grammar...

In this group, we pick a story, find the errors, and instead of a TL;DR review you probably skim over. We simply list the do’s and the don'ts within your story that way new writers know what to do with ease and learn not to write anymore superpowered Ocs, cheesy romance, edgy back story, or even bad grammar sequels to out-dated stories!

Ugh. What a mess.

Critique my story?
you've probably seen it in the popular works box on the home screen.

Princess Celestia did WHAT?

I've been entered in a bunch of groups like
"the Faggot's Guild"
"Mentally Deficient Authors and many more, but I have 130 likes and only 10 dislikes

I don't understand.



It's cut off but it's fine :twilightsmile:

376172 I had a feeling.

The bottom part got cut off, but it still gets the message across.

  • Viewing 19 - 38 of 38