• Member Since 6th May, 2013
  • offline last seen Jun 10th, 2021


MSTifying ponies since 2012.


Tools of the Trade

DeviantART Collection

Milestones (Thank You)

2014-01-30: 10 followers
2014-04-16: 50 likes on a single story (What Goes Around)
2014-06-13: 20 Followers
2014-06-17: 1,000 unique views on a single story (What Goes Around)
2014-11-14: 100 likes on a single story (Twilight Sparkle Gets a Physical)
2014-??-??: 50 Followers
2014-1?-??: 2500 unique views on a single story (Twilight Sparkle Gets a Physical)
2015-09-21: 100 Followers!


Still Alive... Kinda · 1:33pm Aug 1st, 2019

You know I've been very inactive (have almost 7500 notifications in my feed) and I have no apologies for that. I've been burned out on virtually everything and the latest hiccup with my internet hasn't helped either.

I was doing live streams on Twitch and YouTube consistently for almost 7 months, 1080p at 2800kbps, then all of a sudden, I can't even stream at 480p at 500kbps. I tried speaking to the internet tech, but he wasn't very helpful.

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Report sbloom85 · 269 views ·

Top 5 Best Stories

About Me

Current avatar bypaganmuffin, found on derpibooru.

My name is Scott Bloom.

I was born February 7, 1985 in Van Nuys, California, grew up in Colorado and currently reside in Iron River, Michigan.

I'm an avid gamer and have been since I was three years old; I'm agnostic when it comes to console and computer gaming and one of my favorite RPG franchises is Sega's Shining Force, a strategy RPG similar to Final Fantasy Tactics and Fire Emblem.

At first, I wasn't interested in Friendship is Magic. I saw numerous pony posts, but it never caught my attention, then a friend got me to watch parts of the season 2 episode "Read it and Weep". After that, I had an MLP binge. I enjoy watching the show, reading the fanfictions, but I don't think I'll ever purchase any of the toys.

My Favorites:
Of the main six: Toss up between Twilight Sparkle and Applejack.
Supporting Character: Zecora
Princess: Luna
Villain: Discord
One-Shot: Sapphire Shores
Short-term Fanfictions: A lot.

Comments ( 67 )
  • Viewing 63 - 67 of 67

Thanks for the follow.

Don't know why I wasn't watching you, so here, have one!

I did at one point, but I stopped shortly after. It's hard for me to get to my own stories as it is.

Thanks for the follow.

Do you take story requests?

  • Viewing 63 - 67 of 67
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Other Stuff

When I get writer's block, I try to make PMVs and post them onto YouTube.