• Member Since 10th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 17th, 2018

Fire Angel


It's uh... Been a while. · 7:45am Jan 27th, 2018

Well....I'm back. And starting...sorta fresh. For anyone still here, I've decided to finally come back and continue writing. After...some seriously life problems finally getting sorted out, I feel like now I can get back to writing stories. Or at least working on some. If anyone is still around, things are gonna be different this time. Pinkie promise.

Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.

See you all soon.

Report Fire Angel · 294 views ·
Comments ( 2231 )
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Thanks for the fave! I appreciate it immensely.

Hey, Fire Angel.
Thank you for adding my story, "Burning's Ass for Money" to your favourites list. :twilightsmile:


Are you gonna update metal gear equestria?

Thanks for the fav.:twilightsmile:

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