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- Dark Spectrum runs into trouble at the weather factory, and a huge surprise.King Artermis · 4.3k words · 568 views
- Prince Artermis, and Prince Nova's story on the great war between Alicorns, and Chaos itself.King Artermis · 1.1k words · 502 views
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My Little Fluttershy I find a filly Fluttershy on my way home from college, and take her into my care. by King Artermis 7,213 words · 23 · 8
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them. by DarkWing 343,908 words · 2,858 · 139
My Little Dashie What would you do if you found a Filly Rainbow Dash in a box? by ROBCakeran53 12,524 words · 13,448 · 821
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Because I have given up on it. I'm going to rewrite it eventually, but for now it shall remain canceled.
a Question why is The Super Avatar of Equestria cancelled?
Thanks for the favorite on "Monster is as Monster Does"
Thanks for the fav
I also added Star Eater to my "Absolute Bests" because it mixes three of my favorite franchises within one epic story. Then there is the fact that me and my wife love reading this together, and acting out the characters as we read. All in all I wish I had the funds to spare to become a patron, but alass all of our money is always held for bills and groceries. Please keep up the absolutely wonderful work, as you have us riveted with every chapter released.