• Member Since 26th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 9th, 2023


I am a simple writer who gets bouts of writer's block and procrastination. But, I do enjoy writing and wish to get cover images of my stories.

My little fics (some not so little)


Back! · 10:34pm Jan 23rd, 2016

This is a very long-awaited return on my part as I am starting to put aside some time in my days to do a little writing.

Life has been rather busy these past few months and seems to be settling down (I hope :twilightsheepish:).

My computer had a few upgrade, the biggest being the operating system. As such I lost Microsoft Office which I had been using to do all of my writing in but I have decided to carry it on in Google Drive instead.

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Report Draconis187 · 441 views ·

Drawings I tried making for random reasons

Looky look! Progress box is back!

Equestrian Earth: 10 005 words as of 10/03/2015

Comments ( 18563 )
  • Viewing 18,554 - 18,563 of 18,563

It's almost been a year. Are you gonna continue Ace Combat: Shattered Friendships?

Hey. Not gonna be on Skype for a while. They took the tablet. Again. So I'll talk to you whenever I can. Seeing as Knighty banned RPing, it won't be here. Sorry....

922029 Sure. Otherwise it's all broken and confused. Or I will be confused. Making a new blog now.

Yours. And...new rp then?

922027 Of both, sure. My page or yours?

922025 Agreed. So, blog rp?

  • Viewing 18,554 - 18,563 of 18,563
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