Regarding Sundered Wings · 1:40am Jan 5th, 2014
I am very sorry to say this, but Sundered Wings has been cancelled. I just do not have enough time to write anything, and even when I do, I cannot think of anything. I apologize to anyone who actually liked the story.
I detected a hint of Yorkshire in a comment of yours, that's good enough for me.
What the heck is that profile pic?
That is seriously terrifying.
Oh, wait, yep, I see what it is now.
I was scrolling past quickly and it looked like a lamprey.
Btw, I just stuck my iPad on color negative mode.
I have no idea how.
904886 I'm about to get Fallout, and do you know who I feel like right now?
(Skip to 2:08)
(Doesn't make too much sense, I was just itching to use that)
I just got Borderlands 2, and do you know who I feel like right now?
871387 Have you read this story?