• Member Since 4th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 16th, 2015

Crimson Star

Like my stories? Don't worry, more's coming. Don't like my stories? Eh, who needs ya?

The stuff that comes out of my head.


MFW Ferguson · 9:59pm Nov 26th, 2014

Report Crimson Star · 601 views ·

Progress Report

Updated: 4/4/2014

- A Season of Terror 10% complete
- [Untitled HiE] 10% complete
- [Family Roots: Working Title] 5% complete
- Power 2% complete
- Brand New Eyes 50% complete
- [Untitled villain story for FMTCTW contest] On Hiatus, contest over with no participants.
- Phantom Guardspony 2% complete
- The War of Doubt 10% complete
- [Royal Training: Working Title] 20% complete
- Twilight Eats Out a Peach 2% complete, possibly on hiatus.

Ponies in order from best to worst

1 Pinkie Pie
2 Princess Celestia
3 Vinyl Scratch
4 Sweetie Belle
5 Lyra
6 Discord
7 Applejack
8 Fluttershy
9 Rarity
10 Fancy Pants
11 Colgate
12 Trixie
13 Cheerilee
14 Zecora
15 Big Macintosh
16 Spitfire
17 Dr. Whooves
18 Soarin'
19 Octavia
20 Apple Bloom
21 Scootaloo
22 Twilight Sparkle
23 Derpy
24 Braeburn
25 Princess Luna
26 Babs Seed
27 Pipsqueak
28 Rose Luck
29 Carrot Top
30 Granny Smith
31 Berry Punch
32 Fleur de Lys
33 Bon Bon
34 Snowflake / Horsepower
35 Rainbow Dash
36 Princess Cadence
37 Cloud Chaser
38 Flitter
39 Photo Finish
40 Shining Armor
41 Twist
42 Hoity Toity
43 Caramel
44 Silver Spoon
45 Nightmare Moon
46 King Sombra
47 Iron Will
48 Diamond Tiara
49 Queen Chrysalis
50 Flim
50 Flam
52 Lightning Dust
53 Prince Blueblood
54 Spike
55 Gilda


- Poor punctuation and grammar
- Gilda the Griffon
- FedEx
- Peppers
- Macs
- People who make computer viruses (SERIOUSLY, WHY?!?!?!)
- Closed-minded, simple thinking people
- Star Trek: The Next Generation
- Zombies (I have a phobia.)
- New Games
- CompUSA

Comments ( 72 )
  • Viewing 68 - 72 of 72

No problem, you're awesome.

Thanks for following me! :pinkiehappy:


When my Writer's Block gets bored of bothering me.

Which should be about the same time Episode 3 comes out, at this rate.

  • Viewing 68 - 72 of 72
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