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Fan art for The Pony Who Lived Upstairs · 1:41am Feb 4th, 2019

Here's a piece of fan art that made me giggle and be all tickled and amused when my friend Mbala gave it to me. I've posted it on Chapter 12 of The Pony Who Lived Upstairs, which is about where I was in the novel when he created it. Derpy's mane and tail are actually a pale yellow in the original. As background--I used to play Derpy as a wizard character on a pony roleplaying venue called EquestriaMUCK.

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Report Ringcaat · 583 views · Story: The Pony Who Lived Upstairs ·

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Well, since you're such a fan of "The Combinatorics Project", you'll be pleased to know that there's now a TVTropes page for it. Feel free to look it up and tell anybody else who's a fan of it.

Still have to say that your Combinatorics story is still one of my favorites. In particular the Pinkie/Dash chapters at the end which was just fantastic. Even though we did not get all the details since the second chapter was in diary form we still had a very well done romance where we slowly got to see the relationship blossom.

Here's a little cute curse Peach can say: Fluff. They say it in the comics... would up her adorableness.

Thanks for the fave on "Starring Trixie"!

caat, i come to check on you and see if your still alive! *carries a bucket of cookies*

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