• Member Since 3rd Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 23rd, 2013


Just your average writer. 14, freshman, and about two months being a brony. I absolutely HATE shipping, excluding the occasional Fluttermac or OC.


Send Your OCs Elsewhere · 11:35pm Jul 6th, 2013

The writer Starry Eyed, who generously took over BTFP, has also taken over BTFOC. Go message him your OC now! Here

Also, I have a tumblr. Follow me as I make an ass of myself on the site where everyone's either batshit crazy or a stupid hipster. You know who you are... There's money in the banana stand.

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Report Derpsanddinks404 · 574 views ·

The good, the bad and the REALLY ugly!

Comments ( 54 )
  • Viewing 50 - 54 of 54

I'm following you :pinkiecrazy:

He posted a blog earlier about how he was done writing fan fictions.:pinkiesad2:

Hey, as you can see I changed my name to Colt in the Moon, can you plea change the chapter name on Bathtime For OCs?

I wasn't expecting the watch, but thank you. :twilightsmile:

Screw it, I'm gonna try the schooltime

  • Viewing 50 - 54 of 54
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Feel depressed? Take two episodes of FIM and call me in the morning.

It's dangerous to go alone! Thankfully, you are a brony, and we all stick together. I am a strong enforcer of this. Hell, one of the people I'm following I meet during a flame war. Long story short, we debated, he won, and now we're friends.

'Tis the magic of friendship, my dears.

You Look Troubled... Have Some Eagles