RP Charachters

Gender: Stallion
Race: Unicorn
Info: Head of the Lunar guard. Skilled with magic but prefers to use crystals when fighting. Pretty easygoing
Background: From a continent to the west of Equestria, Mixer used to be a chemist.
Cutie Mark: A vial crossed with a crystal
Current status: Sad/ depressed

Gender: Stallion
Race: Pegasus
Info: Second in command of the Lunar Guard. Ex royal guard. Professional but understanding.
Cutie Mark: unkown (he's always wearing armor)
current Status: Happy

Gender: Mare
Race: Earth pony
Info: Member of the Lunar guard. Good with plants and medicine.
Cutie Mark: Three leaves with a heart in the center
Current status: happy
Divergent Breeze:

Gender: Stallion
Race: Pegasus
Info: An inventor, Breeze likes to tinker with things. Made the first mechanical golem. His best friend is a changeling named Flit.
Background: Born and raised in Canterlot, lives in the Canterlot caverns
Cutie Mark: A gear with a lightning bolt and wrench crossed over it.
Current status: Experimenting

Gender: Mare
Race: Earth pony
Info: A trained sniper. Part of a military group [classifid]. Dislikes Griffons.
Background: Father was killed in battle against Griffons. Mother and Sister were killed when she was betrayed by her coltfriend, Longbow.
Cutie Mark: A red crosshairs with a bird of prey inside it.
Current status: Angry
perhaps one day you will return
Well, I've been out of the biz for a while. Not much time to read or write so I kind of just floated off into the void. But, since the end of season 5, I've got a brand new spark and an old idea rearin' to go!
Haven't seen you in a while! Offline 2 weeks? >_<
I am Bach come at me hard and without lube