BOOK AWAAYYYYYYYYYYYY · 1:07am Jun 8th, 2013
That's right a book will be realesed by me some point this year the title
Yes that's right it will be about me and the crew of the infinity on there 10 year study of the planet and of course the captain will have to make a descion weather to say its habitable or not or weather it has life he knows what happened to the other colonies so wich will he choose protect the family he built over the years or do his duty
(May add karma descions)
Just got hacked this is the new account
Someone done disappeared.
Hey do you know of any "real wars" fic with ponies in them? (like Afghanistan or Vietnam?)
Omg I write n my iPad too! Now I have iron thumbs! I can kill things with them! BWAHAHAHAHA!
Oh and by the way, have your proofreader give you their email, and use a google drive document to write on and then just add them. That's what I do.
I'm following you