• Member Since 16th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 2nd, 2016

Corporal Lyra

I'm just the pony with the best weapon in the world. Yep, don't mind me.


Update · 2:29pm Jul 12th, 2015

Hello peoples of the interwebs, It tis I, Corporal Lyra.

For those of you who follow me and are waiting for the Smoldering Worlds update, don't worry. I wanted to get certain characters personalities worked on before I start writing the new chapter for the story.

Also For people who follow me and like Giant Death Robot in Equestria...... Prepare.

Also Today is my birthday. Yay!

Report Corporal Lyra · 437 views · Story: TCB: Smoldering worlds ·

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Comments ( 111 )
  • Viewing 107 - 111 of 111

I wonder how many bullets are left

M1 Garand is the best rifle, Browning M1918 .50 cal heavy machine gun best heavy weapon, an Panzerkampfwagen VII Tiger is best tank.

Reads your bio
And what weapon is that exactly? Terminator HANDS?
Fuck that would be awesome. Lyra blowing up shit with terminator hands.
Hasta la vista baby
Took me a while to make that. Quite proud of it, even though it's crap.

Welcome to Dr. Breen's Private Reserve! Don't forget to contribute!

Thank you for the fav on Friendship is Grievous! :twilightsmile: I'd appreciate it if you'd like and leave me some feedback in the comments!

  • Viewing 107 - 111 of 111
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