• Member Since 25th May, 2020
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago

Oreng Pingvin

I'm Live and life

Blog Posts

  • 81 weeks
    To 2023

    e boy, e girl, e then

    0 comments · 76 views
  • 113 weeks

    happy birthday my account! and schoolchildren with the end of the school year (at least in my country)

    0 comments · 97 views
  • 122 weeks
    with Nauryz

    Наурыз қуатты болсын

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  • 150 weeks
    Im a Life


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  • 178 weeks

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To 2023 · 4:28pm Dec 31st, 2022

e boy, e girl, e then

Report Oreng Pingvin · 76 views ·
Comments ( 21 )
  • Viewing 17 - 21 of 21

Thank you for adding my story to your “read later” bookshelf (along with 300+ other stories 🥲)

Here’s to hoping you get to my story sometime before next century 🙃😂


Thanks for showing interest in my story.:pinkiehappy:
Enjoy the ride.:raritywink:

Good to see I caught your interest with Something is Very Wrong with Canterlot. I hope you gets to reading it very soon.

Thanks for the follow!

  • Viewing 17 - 21 of 21
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