• Member Since 5th Apr, 2023
  • offline last seen April 17th


“There was a point where we needed to stop and we have clearly passed it, but let’s keep going and see what happens :D”

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  • 28 weeks
    Where have I been?

    Procrastinating, RPing, some school but not really cause LOL, work, reading, etc.

    So the next chapter of "New Moon" will be out at some point, it is halfway written, but I have felt little motivation to write at the moment. I'm not abandoning the story or writing at all! The opposite in fact, I love writing! Just not in the mood to do it right now...

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    1 comments · 113 views
  • 32 weeks

    Only took me forever... huh, I'm sensing some deja vu here...

    1 comments · 92 views
  • 33 weeks

    Only took me forever :pinkiecrazy:

    1 comments · 110 views
  • 33 weeks
    The next chapter of "New Moon" will be coming!

    After this quick commercial break. Don't know why this chapter is taking me so long to write. The words just aren't flowing super easily.

    In the meantime, I've done exactly what I probably shouldn’t do and added another large writing project to my queue! Yay... I've decided I will post that story with all the chapters pre-written and slow release them every 3 days or so (depends on how long each chapter ends up being when I'm done).

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    1 comments · 89 views
  • 35 weeks
    Big chapter of New Moon released!

    The longest one so far and a major development in the story. Check it out to find out what I mean :rainbowdetermined2:

    0 comments · 97 views

About me

Name: Majestic_Donut (You can refer to me as Donut)

Age: 20 going on 21 (I want to go to LegoLand for my birthday :yay:)

What to expect in my writing genre/style:
Comedy for sure, cuteness/general silliness, maybe some chaos, occasional fourth wall breaking, slice-of-life (as best I can), Alternate Universe (almost exclusively but I do have one non-AU short story ITW), and adventures! Also working on worldbuilding, but not sure how that's panning out...

Characters I write: Luna, Woona, Tia (filly Celestia), and adult Celestia. Clearly, I love the sisters, especially as kids :twilightblush:

My reading preferences:
Lunafics (duh)
Tia and Woona fics (bigger duh)
Lunacord (Yes, I ship them, deal with it)
Lunbra (yeah, I ship them too)
Luna and Cadence ganging up on Celestia for pranks (best trio besides Luna/Celestia/Discord)
Luna and Celestia being normal sisters behind the kingdom's backs (do you see a pattern forming here?)

My other links:
My FimFiction Discord Server: https://discord.gg/5ZZpt5avFz
My YouTube Channel (Not MLP related, but if you like cute art stuff, feel free to check it out 😊): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYod9Heeh9AhIZfXCjqik9w

That's all for now folks! (and yes, I drew my pfp)


Where have I been? · 3:08pm March 21st

Procrastinating, RPing, some school but not really cause LOL, work, reading, etc.

So the next chapter of "New Moon" will be out at some point, it is halfway written, but I have felt little motivation to write at the moment. I'm not abandoning the story or writing at all! The opposite in fact, I love writing! Just not in the mood to do it right now...

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Report Majestic_Donut · 113 views ·
Comments ( 30 )
  • Viewing 26 - 30 of 30

I see that you haven't been online in over three months. I hope you're doing well. :heart:

Hey Donut, if you’re out there, hope you’re doing alright. Hope to see more stories from you someday.

Why thank you! I haven’t commented on every single chapter since there were already more to read after that. Unless I had something funny to say or note about, I just binge on to the next chapter. Now that I’m all caught up, it’s more likely that I’ll comment every chapter LOL.

It's good to know I have a regular reader on Council. Just wanted to say that.
Oh, and that I read every comment, even if a meaningful reaction doesn't come to mind.

SIXDEEEEEEEE!!!! :pinkiegasp::pinkiehappy: [insert my usual Tia/Woona hugging emote here]!!!!!

  • Viewing 26 - 30 of 30
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