I can't fathom why. You'll only get so much fulfillment out of my personal info.
At the time of writing this, I'm a twenty-something guy living somewhere in the USA. Currently an avocational writer hoping to drop that first letter in the indeterminable future 'cause I'm awful at everything else. I write too much and read too little, and it shows, sometimes.
I like FiM, Doctor Who, Homestuck—that one's bound to attract some frowns—and a whole bunch of other shows and games that I can't force myself to devote a hundred hours to writing a story for. Been a while since I engaged with the good ol' Doctor, but I'm in the ongoing midst of writing a Homestuck story. You can find it on my AO3 page. Check it out if you're somehow not tired of me or Andrew Hussie.
I like writing about magic, but I hate science, so I come up with my own. It's okay and kind of copasetic, but you'll only find it 500k words into TSN, so good luck with that. Horror's fun, too, which I think you could figure out if you attempt to sift through my tortuous prose.
Mkay, that's it. Bother me about literally anything and you'll make me smile, unless it's intolerable, backwards, or you don't have a firm grasp of literature and what people are like. I won't abide by stunted emotions or worldviews. unless it's funny and/or flattering. i'm a sucker for flattery.
Hiya there, Jinx! I know I’m bothering you a little, but I’ve finished my Twilight Sparkle series with the Part 3! Do check it out. And thanks a bunch for the comments; I love ‘em.
The second part to the blog is here. (90% of it is dedicated to Starlight. There’s so much to talk about her.)
As promised, here is the blog.
Thanks, thanks and you’re welcome. The blog should be out within the next few days.
You seem pretty with it. Plus I'm a sucker for interesting debate and, more importantly: flattery.
I wanted to stick around to see if you ever made that blog. Also: you validated me, and that's like, my favorite thing.
Ah, and, happy belated birthday.